Top 10 Scholarships in Greece for International Students

Top 10 Scholarships in Greece for International Students. The scholarships in Greece are available for both Greek and international students. Both funded and fully-funded scholarships in Greece are available. It is a great chance for those students who want to study in Europe but are unable to apply due to financial constraints.  The following top 10 scholarships in Greece of multiple areas of interest for all levels are being offered to the brilliant minds of the best Greek universities.

Top 10 Scholarships in Greece for International Students

1) ALBA Graduate Business School Scholarships

With its core mission of preparing future leaders, promoting equal opportunities for all genders, races, and nationalities, and ensuring the seeds of meritocracy, ALBA is here to welcome the bright students for the MBA and Master’s programs in several key areas. ALBA is continuously raising its number of students yearly, providing all with handsome funding for the scholarships. If you face financial hardships, Turkey is here to support you by harnessing your talent that makes you the best fit for the prestigious scholarships programs. Turkey is eager to invest in the executives of Greek companies and their posterities by facilitating them with corporate scholarships that help them grow professionally and personally. Moreover, ALBA offers you customized scholarships based on your current economic and other circumstances.

For more information, visit ALBA Graduate Business School Scholarships

2) ACT Scholarships

The American College of Thessaloniki is offering numerous scholarships to international students around the globe.  The candidates having a CGPA of 3.6 out of 4.00 and reaching the sophomore status are eligible to apply for the Study abroad program. The students are further assisted by granting financial aid based on their academic performance. This scholarship option helps you improve your theoretical knowledge and develop the professional skills required for the students once they start their careers. The university provides you with an ideal environment to grow professionally. Thessaloniki is considered the best place at the crossroads of East and West Europe, having a diverse constellation of youth. You will be getting the chance to visit the birthplace of Alexander, the Great, and the beautiful beaches of Halkidiki as well.

For more details, visit ACT Scholarships

Also Read: Best Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students 2023 

3) Fulbright Scholarship Program for Greece

In the contemporary, transitional environment of the globe, Greece has introduced the flagship educational and cultural program of the United States of America. The program has established a partnership with more than 160 countries across the globe. If you are enthusiastic enough to drive your career goals, you are awarded honorable achievements; you should not ignore this opportunity. Moreover, the scholarship programs cater to various disciplines and make it easier for artists, researchers, teachers, and other experts to come and join hands with the Greek supervisors and peers to get an education, impart knowledge to students, and conduct quality education-oriented research.

For more information, visit Fulbright Scholarship Program for Greece

4) The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Scholarships

If you want to learn about the ancient Greeks’ culture, archaeology, literature, and history, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens presents the creditable opportunity of bachelor’s programs for you all. The scholarships offer you the stipend that may support you in covering your necessary life needs in Greece. If you are under the age of 27, have the devotion to do something different in your career, possess a non-Greek passport, have a high academic score, and have never enrolled in any undergraduate program yet, you are eligible to apply for this superb option.

For more details, visit The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Scholarships

5) Fulbright Scholarship for Turkish and Bulgarian Citizens

Turkish and Bulgarian Citizens should wake up because the alarm has been rung on their clocks. This scholarship grant is awarded to two students yearly, one is from Turkey, and the other is from Bulgaria. The scholarship opportunity is available for masters and doctoral levels. This scholarship has a value addition in that it provides you with the experience of getting engaged in a research project for a nine-month tenure.

If you have currently just completed your undergraduate and postgraduate program, and you are a non-Greek national, this offer is for you.  The students wishing to pursue their career at all available levels under the scholarships, with the well-versed knowledge and keen interest in Greek literature and language, should adopt this option as a feather in their career cap. Moreover, the program is also accommodating the Greek nationals on this horizon.

For more details, visit Aristotle University Scholarships

7) Fulbright Scholarship to Study in Greece for USA Nationals

The Fulbright scholarships for US citizens are among the best opportunities to lead career paths. All programs to be held under this scholarship banner are based on the pillars of transparency, meritocracy, and competitiveness. These pillars are effectively incorporated in the defined eligibility criteria set for the applicants. In a nutshell, it is a tree with the potential to escalate different branches.

For more information, visit Fulbright Scholarship to study in Greece for USA nationals

8) TEI of Epirus, Arta, Greece Scholarship

If you have a master’s degree in the following disciplines, including biomaterials, cell biology, tissue engineering, and other related fields, you should apply for this attractive option leading the Ph.D. scholars. The technological educational institute warmly welcomes students wishing to expand their academic horizons through the well-established educational Programme.

For more information, Visit TEI of Epirus, Arta, Greece Scholarship

9) The University of Piraeus Scholarship

. The scholarships are provided from the program resources and the funding of various business institutions. These institutions are famous in the marketplace due to their contributions to the energy, industry, and shipping sectors. This program is the best way to help constitute a network between academia and the marketplace.

For more information, visit The University of Piraeus Scholarship

10) Research Scholarship to Graduate Students

The research scholarship for graduate students is an excellent path to finance your studies. It helps reduce your financial burden by providing you with the money. You should not miss this chance and gird up your lions to surpass the financial constraints. The educational portals of all levels will help you choose the best program for your career with the recommendations of the field experts.



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